Google Internet Keep Safe Workshop 1: Detecting Lies and Staying True Instructor Handbook User Manual
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(c) IKSC 2010 Copying allowed for incidental, classroom purposes.
General Goals:
1. To recognize that whether you are on the web or off, the rules for good citizenship
still apply. To explore the importance of rules to any community.
2. Explore how rules apply in the global online community.
1. Students will be able to recognize the need for rules.
2. Students will be able to understand and explain how rules protect, guide and define
legal and ethical behavior.
3. Students will be able to state and understand the rules for being a good citizen
- Computer with Internet connection and screen projector device for presenter.
- Chart paper or chalk/white board or Smart board.
- Student Handouts booklet for each student.
Activity Procedures:
1. Inform the students that they are going to watch the second part of a video by Google,
Detecting Lies and Staying True
) and ask them
to list all the rules of good online citizenship as they watch. Hand out
While You Watch
(Student Handouts.)
Say: “You are going to watch the second part of a short video (developed by the team at
Google) that will discuss the rules of good online citizenship. As you watch the video, please
take note of those rules.”
2. Show the video again, if necessary. Ask the students to state the rules that they just heard
and write their answers on the chart paper/board. The list should include:
1. Don’t steal.
2. Don’t bully.
3. Don’t cheat.
4. Report inappropriate behavior.
5. Be kind and polite.
6. Think before you post.
3. Ask the students to think about the need for rules.
Say: “Why do we need rules? What would have happen if we didn’t have any rules or laws?
Who benefits from having rules? Who invents the rules? What would happen if there were
rules but no one to obey or enforce them?”