Google Search Appliance External Metadata Indexing Guide User Manual

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Google Search Appliance: External Metadata Indexing Guide



Create a element for each primary document. In the element, insert one or
more elements, as shown in the following example:


mimetype="text/plain" last-modified="Tue, 17 Feb 2009 12:45:26 GMT">


Insert the contents of the primary document into the element of the record, as shown in
the following example:


mimetype="text/plain" last-modified="Tue, 17 Feb 2009 12:45:26 GMT">

This is hello02 content.


The previous example uses a full feed (full). With full feeds, fed

documents are removed from the index within six hours. For more information, see “Removing Feed
Content From the Index” in the Feeds Protocol Developer’s Guide. You can use an incremental feed to
avoid fed documents being removed from the index by replacing the full element with the
incremental element.

If the content is text-based content, it can be inserted directly into the feed XML file. If it is non-text
content (.pdf, .doc, and other file types), you need to base64-encode the content and set the record’s
encoding attribute to encoding="base64binary", as described in the Feeds Protocol Developer’s Guide.

You should be aware that when you update a content feed for a primary document, the search
appliance does not automatically update the associated metadata feed in its index unless the
corresponding record has a section. Similarly, if you update a metadata feed, the search
appliance does not automatically update the associated primary document feed in its index. If you want
to update a content feed and a metadata feed, you should explicitly push both of these feeds to the

To update the metadata of a url using metadata-and-url feed, the search appliance must be able to
crawl the url specified in the tag. Therefore this process cannot be used for content that was
indexed through a content feed (for example, by using the File System connector).