Automatic updates every 15 minutes, Supported operating systems for the connector, Supported file system protocols – Google Search Appliance Connectors Deploying the Connector for File Systems User Manual

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In addition to the directed graph traversal described above, the Connector For File Systems
registers a file system change notification handler. This handler receives notifications when
files or folders are added, removed, moved, modified, or have changes in metadata
(including ACLs). The connector generates DocIds for the changed files and folders,
constructs URLs from those DocIds, and sends them to the GSA in a metadata-and-URL

Automatic updates every 15 minutes

The connector starts monitoring for changes immediately, according to the value set in the
connector configuration option adaptor.incrementalPollPeriodSecs. The connector
feeds modified files and folders at the same time it is doing the top-down traversal. The
modifications can be renamed content, content that has its attributes changed or had its
security permissions (ACLs) changed.

The default interval value for automatic updates is 15 minutes, but you can configure it to
suit your needs. For more information, see “Common configuration options” in the

Administration Guide


Supported operating systems for the connector

The Connector for File Systems must be installed on one of the following supported
Windows operating systems:

Windows Server 2012

Windows Server 2008 R2

Windows Server 2003

The Connector for File Systems does not run on Linux.