Updating remove urls and a relative onebox, Inserting front ends and remove urls, Deleting a front end – Google Search Appliance Administrative API Developers Guide: .NET User Manual

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Google Search Appliance: Administrative API Developer’s Guide: .NET


Get information about a front end as follows:

// Send a request and print the response
GsaEntry myEntry = myService.GetEntry("frontend", FRONTEND_NAME);
Console.WriteLine("Front End OneBox: " + myEntry.GetGsaContent


Console.WriteLine("Remove URLs: " + myEntry.GetGsaContent("removeUrls"));

Updating Remove URLs and a Relative OneBox

Update the URLs to remove from the search results, and update a OneBox module in a front end as

// Create an entry to hold properties to update
GsaEntry updateEntry = new GsaEntry();

// Add properties to updateEntry
updateEntry.AddGsaContent("frontendOnebox", "oneboxtwo");
updateEntry.AddGsaContent("removeUrls", "");

// Send the request
myService.UpdateEntry("frontend", FRONTEND_NAME, updateEntry);

Inserting Front Ends and Remove URLs

Insert a front end and remove a URL from the search results as follows:

// Create an entry to hold properties to insert
GsaEntry insertEntry = new GsaEntry();

// Add properties to insertEntry
insertEntry.AddGsaContent("entryID", FRONTEND_NAME);
insertEntry.AddGsaContent("removeUrls", "");

// Send the request
myService.InsertEntry("frontend", insertEntry);

Deleting a Front End

Delete a front end from the search appliance as follows:

myService.DeleteEntry("frontend", FRONTEND_NAME);