Policy acl api developer’s guide, Policy acl api developer’s guide: java, Getting started – Google Search Appliance Policy ACL API Developers Guide User Manual
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Google Search Appliance: Policy ACL API Developer’s Guide
Policy ACL API Developer’s Guide
The Google Search Appliance Policy ACL API enables you to programmatically configure policy access
control lists on a search appliance. You can use this API to add users or groups to a URL pattern to which
you restrict access. The policy ACL software improves search appliance performance by substantially
reducing HEAD requests for user authorization information from remote servers.
This document provides the following topic areas:
“Policy ACL API Developer’s Guide: Java” on page 4
“Policy ACL API Developer’s Guide: .NET” on page 12
“Policy ACL API Developer’s Guide: Protocol” on page 16
Policy ACL API Developer’s Guide: Java
The sections that follow specify policy ACL rules using Java.
Getting Started
The google-enterprise-gdata-api
site provides ZIP files that contain the Java client library, source code and some sample applications for
your reference. The information in this section helps you understand how to write your own
applications based on the client library and how to run the provided open source sample applications.
You can also use the sample applications as models for your own development.
Before starting, you need the following software:
JDK version 5.0 or later available from Java.com
Apache Ant (
Admin Console user name and password for the search appliance to which you direct your