Google agency product guide (continued) – Google Agency Product Guide User Manual

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Features & Benefits

Advertising Applicability

Google Services (continued)

Google Earth


Puts a planet’s worth of imagery and other geographic
information right on your desktop. You can point and
zoom to a specific address or landmark, as well as
access driving directions. To download, visit

http://earth. For professional or commercial uses, try
Google Earth Pro at

Leverage the Google Earth API to create
a unique web-based application for
your customers.

AdWords advertisements
appear on Google Earth.



Gmail is a free, search-based webmail service that
includes more than 2.5 gigabytes of storage. Gmail
is powered by Google search technology, which can
help you find your query quickly. There is no need to
manually file messages or organize your emails because
Gmail can do it for you. It also allows you to talk with
your friends, family and co-workers instantly using
Google Talk. Check out more information at


Opting your clients into content will ensure
that relevant text ads and links are adjacent
to email messages.

AdWords advertisements
are displayed adjacent to
email messages.

Google Groups


A free service that helps groups of people communicate
effectively using email and the web. To learn more about
the product, or create a new group, visit


Google Groups lets your clients easily create
their own announcement lists, mailing lists,
and public discussions.

AdWords advertisements appear
on Google Groups.

Google Maps


Dynamic, interactive maps that are draggable –
no clicking and waiting for graphics to reload to view
the adjacent parts of a map. With Google Maps, you can
type in the name of a region or neighborhood and see
any part of it as easily as a regular street map. It also
includes business information from numerous websites,
directories, and other sources. To learn more, go to:

The Google Maps API allows your clients to embed Google
Maps into their own web pages or campaigns for free.
They can add overlays to the map and display shadowed
“info windows.” If you are interested in Google Maps API,
check out: Clients can

also easily enter their business information into Google’s
online Local Business Center for free. Google Maps can
also be accessed on their mobile phones. By creating
free printable coupons, clients with physical locations
can make their Google Maps listings stand out and track
offline conversions.

AdWords advertisements appear
on Google Maps. Local business
ads are also an option for
advertisers to promote specific
business locations.

Google Mobile


Makes Google (including Web Search, Image Search,
Local, Mobile Web Search, SMS, GMail, News and
Maps) available at the palm of your hand. To find out
more, go to:

Ensures that your customers’ information is available on
mobile phones. Mobile advertisements help your clients
reach the growing mobile user base in a relevant and
targeted manner.

AdWords advertisements appear
on Google Mobile.

Google News


Gathers stories from more than 4,500 English-language
news sources worldwide, automatically arranging them
to present the most relevant news first. News sources
are selected without regard to political viewpoint or
ideology, enabling you to see how different organizations
are reporting the same story. Check out Google News at:

Google News can be personalized specifically
to your interests. With Google News Alerts, Google finds
and delivers links to relevant news articles. Keep on top
of your own and your customers’ industries with Google
News Alerts at a frequency of your choice.

Currently no ads are being served
on Google News.



Photo software from Google that helps users find, edit,
and share photos. Picasa automatically finds every photo
stored on a user’s computer or a local network drive
and instantly creates an easy-to-browse library. Picasa
provides a fast and easy way to edit and share photos.
Download free Picasa software at


Picasa can manage a client’s large and growing catalog of
digital images.

Currently no ads are being shown
on Picasa.

Google Search


Simply type the words or phrase that best describe the
information you are interested in finding into the Google
search box. Try it out at

If your clients have an online presence, chances are their
site is searchable on

AdWords advertisements are being
served on search.



YouTube is an entertainment portal that encourages
users to upload, find and share
video content.

With YouTube, your clients can establish their brand’s
presence within the world’s leading video community.
YouTube’s partnership deals with content providers offer a
wide range of high profile marketing opportunities.

Advertisers can get involved
with YouTube in six ways: by
uploading video content, running
standard display units, owning a
brand channel, hosting a contest,
running YouTube Video ads or
running YouTube video ads on
premium partner content.

Google Agency Product Guide (continued)