Snorkel TB120 2000 User Manual
Page 67

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P/N 0191482
11. Tires
TB 120 tires are foam filled. Punctures of the
type caused by bolts, screws, or nails are not a
problem. Look for large holes or long cuts
completely through the tire body: holes or cuts
where foam is being forced or eroded out of the
tire. Also, look for large imbedded objects, such
as angle iron, that can rip a tire body open
under some conditions. The tire shown here is
not fit for service.
12. Bolts & fasteners
Visually inspect all fasteners to see that none is
missing or obviously loose.
Pay particular attention to all of the safety-wired
bolts. Neither the wire nor the bolt heads should
be damaged in any way. (Check the turntable
end of the boom and the end of the lift cylinder
for other safety-wired bolts. Check both sides of
the machine.)
Pay particular attention to all of the wheel nuts.
None should be visibly loose, missing, or
Pay particular attention to all of the upper
rotation-bearing bolts. None should be visibly
loose, missing, or have broken heads.
Pay particular attention to all of the lower (view
from under the machine) rotation-bearing bolts.
None should be visibly loose, missing, or have
broken heads.