Fold down guardrails – Snorkel SL30N Bi-Energy-sn13300+ User Manual
Page 4

Fold Down Guardrails
This procedure is only for passing through door-
ways. Guardrails must be returned to proper
position before using the machine.
Fold Down Procedure (Figure 4)
Note: When performing the following proce-
dures retain all fasteners.
1. Place controller on platform.
2. Starting at the front of the platform, remove
nuts, bolts and washers from the top of the front
guardrail. Fold the front guardrail down onto the
Raising and Lowering The Platform
1. Position the Drive/Lift Switch to LIFT.
2. While holding the Control Handle so the Inter-
lock Lever is depressed, push the Control
Handle slowly to UP to raise the platform.
Pushing the Control Handle farther increases
the lift speed.
3. When the work task is completed, position the
Drive/Lift Switch to LIFT and lower the platform
by pulling back on the Control Handle until the
platform is fully lowered.
Travel With Work Platform Elevated
Travel with platform elevated ONLY on firm and
level surfaces.
Note: The Work Platform will travel at reduced
speed when in the elevated position. SL30
Models will only drive while elevated when the
platform is below 8m (26 ft.) in height.
1. Check that the route is clear of persons, ob-
structions, holes and drop-offs and is capable
of supporting the wheel loads.
2. Check clearances above, below and to the
sides of the work platform.
3. Position the Drive/Lift Switch to the DRIVE
4. Push the Control Handle to FORWARD or
REVERSE for the desired direction of travel.
Note: If the machine stops driving and the Tilt
Alarm sounds, immediately lower the platform
and move the machine to a level location before
re-elevating the platform.
Emergency Lowering
The Emergency Lowering Switch is located on
the left hand side of the chassis through the
opening in the Control Module cover.
Open the Emergency Lowering Valve by pushing
down on the Emergency Lowering Switch.
After Use Each Day
1. Ensure that the platform is fully lowered.
2. Park the machine on level ground, preferably
under cover, secure against vandals, children
or unauthorized operation.
3. Turn the Key Switch to OFF and remove the
key to prevent unauthorized operation.
Parking Brake Release (Figure 3)
Perform the following only when the machine will
not operate under its own power and it is neces-
sary to move the machine or when towing the
machine up a grade or winching onto a trailer to
1. Close the needle valve by turning the knob
2. Pump the Brake Release Pump until the Park-
ing Brake Cylinder Rod clears the wheel rotor.
3. The machine will now roll when pushed or
4. Be sure to open the needle valve and verify that
the cylinder rod has extended before the ma-
chine is operated.
Never operate work platform with the
Parking Brake inoperative. Serious injury or
damage could result.
Never tow faster than .3 m/sec (1 ft./sec.).
Figure 3: Brake Release Pump
Needle Valve