Apple Logic Express 7.2 User Manual

Page 20

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Chapter 1

Control Surface Setup

Display Parameters

The following section describes the display parameters of a Control Surface Group.

Flip Mode
Many control surfaces offer both a fader and a rotary encoder for each channel strip.
Flip Mode allows you to swap the encoder assignment with that of the fader for each
channel. Alternately, you can assign both controls to the same parameter.

There are four “flip” or “swap” modes.

Off—disables Flip Mode, making the fader act as a volume control.


Duplicate—makes both the fader and encoder active for the currently selected
encoder parameter.


Swap—swaps the fader and encoder, making the fader a pan control and the
encoder a channel volume control, for example.


Mute—disables the faders. This is useful for situations where recording is taking place
in the same room as the control surface, and you wish to avoid the mechanical noise
of the faders. Any existing automation data will still function as per normal.

Display Mode
If there is insufficient space available for the display of both the parameter name and
value (on the control surface LCD), you can specify what is displayed here:

Value—displays the parameter value.


Name—displays the parameter name.

Clock Display
If your control surface features a song position display, the Clock Display parameter
allows you to set the display mode:

Beats—the song position display shows Bars/Beats/(optional) Sub Division/Ticks.


SMPTE—as above, but in Hours/Minutes/Seconds/Frames.

Note: The exact elements displayed, and thus their positions, depend on the selected
SMPTE or bar/beat display option defined in the Logic Preferences.

Track View Mode
This parameter determines which tracks or channels are displayed:

Mixer—displays channels in their order of appearance in the Track Mixer window
(while Global mode is disabled). Channel Strip 1 in the Track Mixer is equivalent to
channel 1 on the control surface, Channel Strip 2 in the Track Mixer is equivalent to
channel 2 and so on. Instruments/channels used by multiple tracks are merged into
one channel. Mixer View is the default mode of most devices, including the Logic/
Mackie Control.