Apple Final Cut Express HD: New Features User Manual

Page 6

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To export your sequence to a QuickTime movie for use in iDVD:


Open your Final Cut Express HD sequence in the Timeline.


Choose File > Export > QuickTime Movie.

The Save dialog appears.


Enter a name and choose a location for the movie.


At the bottom of the dialog, make sure the Make Movie Self-Contained checkbox is not


If you need chapter markers from your Final Cut Express HD project to be exported to
the QuickTime movie, choose DVD Studio Pro Markers from the Markers pop-up menu.


Click Save.

For information about creating an iDVD project and burning a DVD, see iDVD Help.

Using a Computer Display for External Video Monitoring

Final Cut Express HD offers you a new option for monitoring video playback. You can
route a full-screen view of the Canvas or Viewer to a separate computer display, such as
an Apple Cinema Display. Typically, monitoring video in Final Cut Express HD is done by
connecting a video monitor to your DV deck, camcorder, or transcoding device. Now
you can view the Final Cut Express HD interface and the Finder on one display and use
another display as a dedicated video monitor.

Although this setup is valuable for working with DV video, it is even more useful
for viewing HDV formats such as 720p and 1080i that are now supported by
Final Cut Express HD. Since HD monitors are very expensive, this is great news for
those who want to monitor HD video.

Regular editing commands function when full-screen video is presented on any display.
This means you can still set In and Out points and use the J, K, and L keys for playback
while the video is presented full screen.


Unless your final program will be viewed on a computer display, it is a good

idea to view your video on a professional video monitor for a more accurate color
representation of your video. Computer displays operate in RGB color space, while
NTSC and PAL broadcast monitors use YUV video. Some effects and certain colors may
be represented differently on computer displays and video monitors.