Hdv workflow in final cut express hd, Capturing, editing, and outputting hdv video, Setting up to capture hdv video – Apple Final Cut Express HD: New Features User Manual
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HDV Workflow in Final Cut Express HD
New capture presets and a special video capture dialog make the process of capturing
HDV clips simple and reliable. Just choose the Easy Setup that corresponds to your HDV
format in the Easy Setup dialog before you begin working on your project. Once you
choose the correct Easy Setup, Final Cut Express HD is ready to handle your HDV video.
After capturing the video, organize and edit the clips as you would for any other
Final Cut Express HD project. You can even use a second computer display, such as an
Apple Cinema Display, to display HDV video at its native size.
To print to video, you first need to encode the video back to the HDV format using the
Print to Video command. After the video is encoded back to HDV, it can be either
manually or automatically recorded to tape.
More specific details regarding the HDV workflow with Final Cut Express HD follow in
the next section.
Capturing, Editing, and Outputting HDV Video
Now that you have some background about how HDV operates within
Final Cut Express HD, you are ready to set up your system to capture, edit, and
output HDV video.
Setting Up to Capture HDV Video
Before attempting to capture HDV video in Final Cut Express HD, you need to set up
your system properly. Setting up an HDV editing system is similar to setting up a
standard DV system.
To set up your HDV editing system:
Make sure your HDV camcorder is properly connected to your computer and turned on
before you open Final Cut Express HD.
For information about connecting a camcorder to your computer, see
Final Cut Express HD Help, Chapter 2, “Setting Up Your System.”
Double-click the Final Cut Express HD icon in the Applications folder to open
Final Cut Express HD.
Before you begin, save your project by doing the following:
Choose File > Save Project.
In the Save dialog, enter a name and choose a location for the project.
Click Save.