About the contents of your shake box, About onscreen help – Apple Installing Your Shake 4 Software User Manual

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About the Contents of Your Shake Box

Your Shake box contains the following software and documentation.

Installation CD

The Shake 4 installation CD:

This is your installation disc. Use this CD to install the Shake

and Apple Qmaster software and documentation.

Printed documentation

The following printed instructional material is included in your Shake box:

Shake 4 User Manual:

Provides information on new features, the Shake user interface,

image input and output, the compositing nodes and Node View, file formats and
footage, keying, color correction and color space, using masks and transforms,
working with the Curve Editor and the Time View, painting and rotoscoping tools,
using filters, customizing Shake and making macros, and rendering.

Shake 4 Tutorials:

Provide step-by-step instructions for general Shake workflow and

the user interface, basic color correction, using the Z channel, using local variables
with expressions, color correction on premultiplied elements, using Keylight and
Primatte, tracking, how to make a macro, and how to create a simple clean plate.


Tutorial media for use with the

Shake 4 Tutorials

is included on on the

Shake 4

installation CD, in the



PDF documentation

The following PDF documentation is located in the Documentation folder on the
Shake 4 installation CD.

Shake 4 User Manual

Shake 4 Tutorials

Shake 4 New Features

Installing Your Software

Apple Qmaster User Manual

Truelight User Manual

About Onscreen Help


Shake 4 User Manual


Shake 4 Tutorials


Shake 4 New Features,




documents are accessible via the Help menu of the Shake application. The

Apple Qmaster User Manual


Apple Qmaster Late-Breaking News

are available in the

Help menu of the Apple Qmaster application. Documentation for the bundled Truelight
features is included in the


folder, located on the Shake 4 installation CD.