About installing software and saving files, Shake and appleqmaster support, Shake and apple qmaster support – Apple Installing Your Shake 4 Software User Manual

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About Installing Software and Saving Files

Mac OS X provides a multiuser environment so everyone has their own home directory
where they can save files that aren’t accessible to others. If users are working on the
same projects, they need to save or place these files in a location where others can
access the files.

When installing or saving files, including project files, consider who needs access to
these items. Use the following to help determine where to locate files:

Shared folder within the Users directory: All users have access to this folder, making
this a good location to save and store files that you want others to use.


For example, if you want all users to have access to the tutorial media, copy the
appropriate folder from the Shake 4 installation CD to this Shared folder in the Users
directory on a volume root.

Public folder within a user’s home directory: The user must turn on file sharing in
Sharing preferences so other users can access this folder.

Computer/Volume/Users/Username/Public OR Home/Public

Volume roots: All users typically have access to the volume roots, which are all of the
connected volumes or hard disk drives. If all users need access to specific
applications, such as Shake, make sure you install these applications in an accessible
folder on a volume root, such as the Applications folder.

Note: For information on setting preferences and environment variables, see Chapter
14, “Customizing Shake,” in the Shake 4 User Manual.

Shake and Apple Qmaster Support

For support information, see the “Shake Services and Support Guide” card that is
included in your Shake box.


2005 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.

Apple, the Apple logo, Shake, Apple Qmaster, FireWire, Mac, Mac OS, and QuickTime
are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.