Idvd pane – Apple iMovie at a Glance User Manual
Page 10

iDVD Pane
Click the iDVD button to open the iDVD pane. You can add chapter markers to your movie and
export it to iDVD.
Chapter titles:
A new chapter appears in the list each time you add a marker. Type a name for each chapter
that you want to use in your iDVD scene selection menu.
Add Chapter/Remove Chapter:
Click to add or remove a chapter marker in your movie. If you export your
movie to iDVD to create a DVD, the markers you add are used to create scene selection menus in iDVD.
Create iDVD Project:
Click to export your movie directly to iDVD. This opens iDVD version 3 or later and your
movie appears as a project in the iDVD window. If you don’t have iDVD version 3 or later on your computer
or you don’t have a supported DVD drive, this button is not available.
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