Starting xsan tuner, About the tests, The unix read and write tests – Apple Xsan 1.x User Manual
Page 18: The final cut pro read and write tests

Chapter 2
Using the Xsan Tuner Application
Starting Xsan Tuner
Double-click the Xsan Tuner icon to start the application.
About the Tests
Xsan Tuner can perform four basic types of tests:
 Standard UNIX file reads
 Standard UNIX file writes
 Final Cut Pro video stream reads
 Final Cut Pro video stream writes
The UNIX Read and Write Tests
The UNIX Read and UNIX Write tests perform low-level sequential I/O using the
standard BSD read and write calls. You can use this test to simulate the type of load
your SAN experiences when users or applications open, save, or copy files.
The Final Cut Pro Read and Write Tests
The Final Cut Pro Read and Final Cut Pro Write tests simulate the load imposed on the
SAN by streams of video. You can use these tests to find out how many video streams
of particular video formats the SAN can support without dropping frames.
You Can Test Without Installing Final Cut Pro
Xsan Tuner includes the codecs needed to perform Final Cut Pro reads and writes,
so you can test the performance of Final Cut Pro video processing on client computers
without actually installing the Final Cut Pro software on all of the clients.
Test Video Streams Don’t Include Audio
The video streams generated by the Final Cut Pro read and write tests do not include
any audio content.
Test Video Streams Are Not Staggered
When you choose to simulate more than one video stream on a client, Xsan Tuner
launches all of the streams simultaneously. You can’t simulate staggered streaming
using Xsan Tuner.
Supported Video Formats
Xsan Tuner can test Final Cut Pro streaming performance for a variety of standard-
definition (SD) and high-definition (HD) video formats.