Apple Mac OS X Server v10.6 User Manual
Page 74

In the Contents/Info.plist file inside the bundle, change the value of the
CFBundleIdentifier key by replacing ApplePodcast with the new name.
This name need not be the same as the name of the .pmu bundle. No spaces are
allowed in the name. This name serves as a unique identifier of the bundle.
In the Contents/Resources/en.lproj/InfoPlist.strings, change the values of the
Copyright, Name, and Description Strings.
The Name string contains the name of the template that appears in Podcast Producer.
If you support other languages, modify the corresponding InfoPlist.strings file.
In the Contents/Resources/en.lproj/Localizable.strings file, change the strings that
appear in the email notifications.
If you support other languages, modify the corresponding Localizable.strings file.
To customize the images used in the email notifications, replace the contents of the
PodcastCapture.png and Spacer.png files (in /Resources/Images/) with your own content.
Do not change the names of these files because they are referenced in the
part.html.erb file.
To customize the actual email template, edit the HTML code in the following file:
~/Library/Application Support/Podcast Composer/Resources/Templates/Mail/Apple
When editing this file, take extra caution. If this file is not edited properly,
email notifications might fail.
Chapter 9
Advanced Podcast Composer Topics