Filter – L.B. White I-3 Infraconic User Manual
Page 9

Check all connections for gas leaks using approved
gas leak detectors. Gas leak testing is performed as
-- Check all pipe connections, hose connections,
fittings and adapters upstream of the gas
control with approved gas leak detectors.
-- In the event a gas leak is detected, check the
components involved for cleanliness and
proper application of pipe compound before
further tightening.
-- Tighten the gas connections as necessary to
stop the leak.
-- After all connections are checked and any
leaks are eliminated, light the heater.
-- Stand clear while the heater ignites to prevent
injury caused from hidden leaks that could
cause flashback.
-- W i t h t h e h e a te r i n o p e r a t i o n , c h e c k a l l
connections, hose connections, fittings and
joints as well as the gas control valve inlet and
outlet connections with approved gas leak
-- If a leak is detected, check the components
involved for cleanliness in the thread areas
and proper application of pipe compound
before further tightening.
-- Tighten the gas connection as necessary to
stop the leak.
-- If necessary, replace the parts or components
involved if the leak cannot be stopped.
-- Ensure all gas leaks have been identified and
repaired before proceeding.
A qualified service agency must check for proper
operating gas pressures upon installation of the
Use the proper gas supply line to assure proper
functioning of the heaters. Typically, 3/4 in. ID black
iron pipe is used to supply gas to the inlet of the zone
control panel with 1/2 in. ID black iron pipe used to
convey the gas to the heaters. However, always
consult your fuel gas supplier, or the L. B. White Co.,
Inc. for proper line sizing and installation.
The heater is designed for either propane vapor with-
drawal or natural gas, depending on model number.
Do not use this heater in an propane liquid
withdrawal system. Do not permit propane in liquid
form to enter the heater at any time.
T h e c o r ro s i ve a t m o s p h e r e p r e s e n t i n a n i m a l
confinement buildings can cause component failure
or heater malfunction. The heater should be
periodically inspected and cleaned in accordance
with the Maintenance and Cleaning Instructions in
this manual. Make sure that livestock is protected by
a back up alarm system that limits high and low
temperatures and also activates appropriate alarms.
Ta ke t i m e to u n d e r s t a n d h ow to o p e r a te a n d
maintain the heater using this Owner’s Manual.
Make sure you know how to shut off the gas supply to
the building and to the individual heaters. Contact
your gas supplier if you have any questions.
Any defects found in performing any of the service
procedures must be eliminated and defective parts
replaced immediately. Retest the heater before
placing it back into service.
See Fig. 2 for attaching filter to heater.
A. Push filter completely onto air intake.
B. Attach filter to intake by using beaded cable tie.
Ensure cable tie securely fastens filter to air intake
of heater
The filter may be removed by loosening the beaded
cable tie.
FIG. 2
Fire and Explosion Hazard
Do not use open flame (matches, torches, candles,
etc.) in checking for gas leaks.
Use only approved leak detectors.
Failure to follow this warning can lead to fires or
Fires or explosions can lead to property damage,
personal injury or death.