Buhler 2425 User Manual
Page 131

Transmission Lubrication Filter Bypass
The Electronic Instrument Control System will
notify the operator that the transmission
lubrication filter is in the bypass condition and oil
entering the transmission is not passing through
the filter element. The transmission will still
receive lubrication oil, but the oil will not be
filtered, and may contain contaminants. See
“Transmission Troubleshooting” in Section 4 for
possible causes of filter bypass. Failure to
correct the filter bypass condition may cause
damage to the transmission components. The
following description details the reaction of the
electronic monitor and audible alarm in the event
of transmission lubrication filter bypass:
With the engine running, and the transmission
lube filter in the bypass condition, the
transmission lube filter warning light, 1, on the
warning light bar will illuminate. There will be a
six-second delay before the audible alarm
sounds a solid tone for four seconds. The upper
portion of the monitor will flash “CHK” “LMPS,”
indicating the operator should look at the light bar
to determine the function causing the alarm to
sound, i.e., transmission lube filter bypass. The
lower portion of the monitor will continue to
display whatever is selected on the rotary select
The operator can cancel the audible alarm and
the “CHK” “LMPS” display on the upper portion of
the monitor by pressing the acknowledge/reset
button once. The transmission lube filter bypass
light on the warning light bar will stay lit until the
bypass condition is corrected. The audible alarm
and “CHK” “LMPS” display will not return until the
ignition switch is turned to the “OFF” position and
the tractor is restarted.
Transmission lube filter bypass is considered a
non-critical alarm function, and will not cause the
electronic monitor to go into the “STOP” mode or
cause the automatic shutdown to activate.
ATTENTION: It is important that the operator
shut the tractor off and find out the cause of the
transmission lube filter bypass light indication.
Take corrective action immediately to prevent
damage to the transmission.
Figure 2-106