Inspecting the 802.1p, Bit in the acl for adaptive rate limiting – Brocade Communications Systems Brocade ICX 6650 6650 User Manual

Page 166

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Brocade ICX 6650 Security Configuration Guide


Configuring adaptive rate limiting

3. Bind the ACL to an interface. Enter commands such as the following.

Brocade(config)# interface ethernet 1/1/7
Brocade(config-if-e10000-1/1/7)# ip access-group 104 in
Brocade(config-if-e10000-1/1/7)# exit

The previous commands configure an adaptive rate limiting policy that enforces a guaranteed
committed rate of 10000 packets/second on port e1/1/7 and allows bursts of up to 1600
packets. These commands also enforce a peak rate of 20000 packets/second and allow bursts of
4000 packets above the PIR limit. If the port receives additional bits during a given one-second
interval, the port drops all packets on the port until the next one-second interval starts.

Syntax: [no] traffic-policy TPD-name rate-limit adaptive cir cir-value cbs cbs-value pir pir-value

pbs pbs-value exceed-action action [count]

Syntax: access-list num permit | deny.... traffic policy TPD-name

Syntax: [no] ip access-group num in


For brevity, the access-list command does not include all parameters.


Brocade ICX 6650 allows you to add a reference to a non-existent TPD in an ACL statement and to
bind that ACL to an interface. Brocade ICX 6650 does not issue a warning or an error message for
non-existent TPDs.

Use the no form of the command to delete a traffic policy definition. Note that you cannot delete a
traffic policy definition if it is currently in use on a port. To delete a traffic policy, first unbind the
associated ACL.

The traffic-policy TPD-name parameter is the name of the traffic policy definition. This value can be
eight or fewer alphanumeric characters.

The rate-limit adaptive cir cir-value option specifies that the policy will enforce a flexible bandwidth
limit that allows for bursts above the limit.The cir-value parameter is the committed information
rate in packets/second. Refer to

Table 20


The cbs cbs-value parameter is the committed burst size in packets. Refer to

Table 20


The pir pir-value parameter is the peak information rate in packets/second. Refer to

Table 20


The pbs pbs-value parameter is the peak burst size in packets. Refer to

Table 20


The exceed-action action parameter specifies the action taken on packets that exceed the
configured values. Refer to

“Handling packets that exceed the rate limit”

on page 147.

The count parameter is optional and enables ACL statistics. Refer to

“Enabling and using ACL


on page 148.

Inspecting the 802.1p bit in the ACL for adaptive rate limiting

You can configure the Brocade device to rate limit traffic for a specified 802.1p priority value. To do
so, complete the following configuration steps.