Burley CUB User Manual
Page 20
Burley Cub Owner’s Instruction and Safety Manual
Use Your Flag
Always use the safety fl ag—it’s an essential safety device. The moving fl ag will help
make you more visible to motorists and other cyclists.
Protect Your Child
When pulling a child, use the shoulder harness, lap belt, and a child helmet at all
times. Always fasten the seat belt so that each child is held securely. For maximum
stability and safety, seat a single child in the center of the trailer. Periodically check
placement of shoulder straps, especially for a sleeping child. Check that a child can-
not put a fi nger into the wheel spokes. Also, be aware that children get thirsty when
riding in the trailer. Bring plenty of water, especially on longer rides; keep a full water
bottle in the trailer where your children can easily quench their thirst when they
Observe Age and Height Restrictions
The trailer seat is intended only for children old enough to wear a helmet and sit
upright alone. Your child must have adequate neck strength to hold his or her head
up while trailering. Check with your pediatrician if you are unsure about your child’s
ability to sit upright and hold his or her head up. Never carry a child whose sitting
height (with helmet) is above the roll bar, because their chance of injury is signifi -
cantly higher in the event of tip over.
Follow the Rules of the Road
Bicycles are vehicles, and are required to observe all rules of the road. Always signal
turns and stops; ride with both hands on the handlebars except when signalling.
Scan ahead for dangerous sit u a tions, and an tic i pate turning traffi c. Watch out for
parked cars and opening doors. Never run stop sig nals, and never ride against
oncoming traffi c. On bike paths, give au di ble warn ing when pass ing pe des tri ans
from behind. If you are not aware of your lo cal and state bi cy cle reg u la tions, con-
tact your nearby police or motor-vehicles offi ce for more information. Refer to the
owner’s manual of your lead bicycle for safe cycling information.
Have Fun Defensively
Besides being practical and easy-to-use, the Burley Cub allows adults and children
to get outdoors for some fun together, rain or shine. The fact that you’re getting
exercise and fresh air at the same time is an added benefi t! So, whether you’re going
down to the corner store, across town on a picnic, or off for an extended vacation,
enjoy your Burley Cub and remember . . . ALWAYS RIDE DE FEN SIVE LY!