Introduction – Burley CUB User Manual

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Burley Cub Owner’s Instruction and Safety Manual


You’ve just pur chased a Burley® trailer, the lead ing choice of dis crim i nat ing bi cy cle

trailer own ers world wide. Every ef fort has been made to ensure your pur chase is of

top quality and proven design, ready to provide you with many years and thou sands

of miles of happy, safe trailering.

IMPORTANT: Because some of the features and guidelines for

using the Burley Cub merit close attention, it is very im por tant

that you fa mil iar ize yourself with the trailer by reading this

manual all the way through before use. If you have any ques-

tions, we encourage you to contact your Burley dealer.


This manual is written sequentially to assist initial assembly. Your Burley Cub is

shipped 95% factory-as sem bled. You will need to mount the refl ectors, install the

tongue and brake, attach the wheels, side panels, roll bar and safety fl ag, and snap

the cover into place. Once you’ve read the safety guidelines, you’re ready to go. Initial

as sem bly should take 10-15 minutes. Sub se quent setting up and folding can eas i ly

be done in a couple of minutes, no tools re quired.

Before trailering, be sure you have a thor ough understanding of the safety harness

and of trailer hitch operation. Practice folding and un fold ing your trailer; it can easily

be done in less than a minute, no tools required. Check to see that the trailer wheels

and hitch are securely at tached. We again request that you read this manual from

start to fi nish before use, referring to it as necessary in the future.

NOTE: Any reference to left or right is made in the direction of

travel, as if you were sitting in the child seat looking forward.

When Loaning or Selling Your Trailer

If you loan or sell your Burley Cub, supply the new user with this manual. They must

familiarize them selves with all sec tions—especially sections “IX. Safety Guidelines”

and “X. Safety Check lists” prior to use. It is es sen tial that they understand the differ-

ences between riding a bicycle with a trailer and without one. It is also essential that

they understand correct wheel at tach ment, setup, folding, and use of the har ness,

safety fl ag, cover, and hitch. Always ensure that both adult and child are wear ing

helmets. Never loan your trailer if it is in need of maintenance or repair.