Viii. trailer main te nance and care – Burley CUB User Manual

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Burley Cub Owner’s Instruction and Safety Manual

any racks, bags, or fi t tings you have on your bi cy cle. If there is any in ter fer ence,

con tact your Burley dealer.

IMPORTANT: Re move trailer from your bi cy cle when it’s not in

use to pre vent de form ing the plastic hitch.

Do not operate trailer without hitch safety strap prop er ly installed.

A dangling safety strap can contact spokes and damage rear

wheel or cause an ac ci dent re sult ing in se ri ous injury.

Hitch must seat properly into stays and not interfere with racks,

bags, or fi ttings. In spect hitch and tongue frequently for damage or

loose fasteners. Interfering parts or damaged hitch can cause an

ac ci dent resulting in se ri ous injury.

Do not use or store trailer at temperatures below 32˚ Fahrenheit

as hitch rubber fl ex con nec tor can become brittle and pos si bly

break, caus ing an accident re sult ing in serious injury.

VIII. Trailer Main te nance and Care

Storing Your Burley Cub

We build trailers to last, and often see fi fteen-year-old trailers in use, but even a

Burley trailer will not last forever. When not in use, the trailer shold be stored out of

the sunlight, as extended exposure will cause deterioration of the polyethylene shell,

hitch and fabric.

Your polyethylene shell will need to be replaced if it becomes damaged or cracked.

Periodically inspect all parts of your Burley Cub using section “X. Safety Checklists.”

Hitch and Tongue Maintenance

Your trailer is designed for low maintenance and easy care. Clean and grease the

eyebolt threads on the hitch pe ri od i cal ly to ensure that the eyebolt knob can be

properly tightened.