Burley SOLO User Manual

Page 17

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Burley Solo Owner’s Instruction and Safety Manual

Trailers can tip over causing dam age to trailer and serious
injury to cyclist or pas sen gers.

AVOID causes of tip over, es pe cial ly

• Children leaning or bounc ing

• Hitting potholes, curbs, other



struc tions

• Taking turns too fast

• Sudden


• Off-banked


• Improper wheel in stal la tion

• Improper tire infl ation

Fit, Alert, Adult Pilot

To safely pull a trailer, you need to be a fi t, experienced cyclist. You must be alert,

have good sight and hear ing, and adequate strength in your legs, arms, and hands.

Nev er allow a child or adolescent to pull your trailer be cause it is likely that they lack

the necessary phys i cal abil i ty and judgement.

No Headphones or Other Distraction

Do not bicycle or stroll with head phones, radios, or other dis trac tions. You must be

able to hear surrounding traffi c, and con cen trate on safe bicycling at all times.

No Motorized Vehicles

Your Burley Solo is only in tend ed for use with pedal-pow ered cy cles; never pull it

with a motorized vehicle, as the in creased ac cel er a tion and speed could damage the

trail er or cause the trailer to tip over.

Avoid Riding in Traffi c

We recommend against riding in traffi c. If you must ride in traffi c, do not pull your

trailer on high ways, busy streets, or on streets unsafe for bicycling with chil dren.

Never assume that you will be given the right-of-way, even if it is legally yours. Your

child is a pre cious load; his or her safety should not be en trust ed to a car driver

whose attention or regard for bike riders is un known. Use care when pulling your

trailer on bike routes or along bike lanes, es pe cial ly at intersections.