Burley SOLO User Manual

Page 13

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Burley Solo Owner’s Instruction and Safety Manual

Make sure that the cone is wedged se cure ly into the stays. The knob should be

fi nger-tight; do not overtighten. The hitch should not move, but should al low the

bi cy cle com plete move ment, in clud ing ly ing it down on the ground. It should clear

any racks, bags, or fi t tings you have on your bi cy cle. If there is any in ter fer ence,

con tact your Burley dealer.

IMPORTANT: Re move trailer from your bi cy cle when it’s not in
use to pre vent de form ing the plastic hitch.

Do not operate trailer without hitch safety strap prop er ly
installed. A dangling safety strap can contact spokes and
damage rear wheel or cause ac ci dent re sult ing in se ri ous

Hitch must seat properly into stays and not interfere with
racks, bags, or fi ttings. In spect hitch and tongue frequently
for damage or loose fasteners. Interfering parts or damaged
hitch can cause ac ci dent resulting in se ri ous injury.