After recording a video, Camera settings, Still image camera settings – Nokia N96 User Manual

Page 69: See "after, Recording a video", p. 69, The ac, See "still image camera settings", p. 69, Ca mera

background image

with sharing quality and 90 minutes with other

quality settings.

To activate the front camera, select




secondary camera

. To start recording a video, press

the scroll key. To zoom in or out, scroll up or down.

After recording a video

After you record a video clip, select from the following

options in the active toolbar (available only if


captured video

is set to


in the video settings):

To immediately play the video clip you just recorded,



( ).

If you do not want to keep the video, select


( ).

To send the video clip using a multimedia message,

e-mail, or other connection methods, such as

Bluetooth connectivity, press the call key, or select


( ).

See "Write and send messages", p. 121.

See "Send data using Bluetooth

connectivity", p. 113.

This option is not available

during a call. You may not be able to send video clips

saved in the MPEG-4 file format in a multimedia

You can also send the video clip to a person you are

talking to. Select

Send to caller

( ) (only available

during a call).

To add the video clip to an album, select

Add to


To view information about the video clip, select


To upload the video clip to a compatible online

album, select (only available if you have set up

an account for a compatible online album).

See "

Share images and videos online ", p. 77.

To return to the viewfinder to record a new video

clip, press the capture key.

Camera settings

There are two kinds of settings for the camera: setup

settings and main settings. The setup settings return

to the default settings after you close the camera, but

the main settings remain the same until you change

them again. To adjust the setup settings, use the

options in the active toolbar.

See "Colour and lighting

settings", p. 70.

To change the main settings, in the

image or video mode, select





Still image camera settings

To change the main settings, in the image mode, select




and from the following:

Image quality

— Set the resolution (main camera

only). The better the image quality, the more

memory the image consumes.


