Nokia 9290 User Manual

Page 33

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8.1 Introduction

Before you can use the WAP services, you need to configure
your WAP settings. Your WAP service provider will provide
you with the exact values for the WAP settings. Follow the
instructions carefully. You can use this information to
define and edit the settings manually.

Also, your service provider may be able to send some, or all,
of the required settings to you via a special short message
called an Over the Air (OTA) message. After you have
received the settings, you can start using the WAP applica-
tion or edit the settings as described below.

Note: The necessary settings for WAP configuration are
provided by your WAP service provider. Depending on your
service provider, you may not need to fill in all of the settings.

8.2 Defining WAP access points manually

To set up a new WAP access point, open Internet startup
under the Extras application, and select WAP access
(a shortcut to Internet startup can also be found in the
Desk application).

1. Open Internet startup from Desk or from under Extras.
2. Select WAP access and press Open.
3. Fill in the following settings. Contact your WAP service

provider for the correct settings.

Name – Create a name for the access point that you
can recognize easily.

Secure connection – Choose whether to Use secure
connection, according to your service provider’s

Internet access – From a selection list, choose the
Internet Access Point (IAP) you want to use for this
connection. If you have no configured IAPs, you can
create a new one by pressing New Internet access.

Gateway IP address – Type in the IP address that the
WAP gateway uses.

4. Press Close to exit the WAP access point settings.

8.3 Setting home page

1. Press the Internet button and open the WAP application.
2. Press the Menu key, and open the Settings dialog under

the Tools menu.

3. To activate the Home page tab, press the Menu button.
4. Type in the WAP home page URL.
5. Choose the WAP access point you want to use.
6. Press Done to exit the WAP settings.

8.4 Supported images, their suffixes,
and MIME-types

In addition to WBMP image format, the Nokia 9290
Communicator supports all the most commonly known
image formats.

Note: Some WAP gateways may not support all of these
content types.

Nokia WAP gateway products support all the content types
listed here:

a WBMP (Wireless Bitmap), “image/vnd.wap.wbmp”

a JPEG file (incl. Progressive), “.JPG”, “image/jpeg”

a GIF file (incl. anim-gif), “.GIF”, “image/gif”

a PNG file, “.PNG”, “image/png”

The WAP Service Developer’s Guide for the Nokia 9290 Com-
municator, which is available at,
contains more detailed information about WAP and the
Nokia 9290 Communicator.