AEG KS8100001M User Manual
Page 8

Chicken Legs
• 4 Chicken legs, 250 g each
• 250 g crème fraîche
• 125 ml cream
• 1 teaspoon salt
• 1 teaspoon paprika
• 1 teaspoon curry
• 1 / 2 teaspoon pepper
• 250 g sliced tinned mushrooms
• 20 g corn starch
Clean the chicken legs and place in a
roaster. Mix the rest of the ingredients to-
gether and pour over the chicken legs.
– Time in the appliance: 55 minutes
– Shelf position: 1
Coq au Vin
• 1 chicken
• salt
• pepper
• 1 tablespoon flour
• 50 g clarified butter
• 500 ml white wine
• 500 ml chicken stock
• 4 tablespoons soya sauce
• 1 / 2 bunch of parsley
• 1 sprig of thyme
• 150 g bacon, diced
• 250 g chestnut mushrooms, cleaned
and quartered
• 12 shallots, peeled
• 2 cloves of garlic, peeled and crushed
Clean the chicken and season with salt
and pepper and sprinkle with the flour.
Heat the clarified butter in a roasting tin
on the ring, brown the chicken on all
sides. Pour in the white wine, chicken
stock and soya sauce and bring to the
Add parsley, thyme, diced bacon, mush-
rooms, shallots and garlic.
Bring to the boil again, cover with a lid
and put in the appliance.
– Time in the appliance: 55 minutes
– Shelf position: 1
Roast Duck with Orange
• 1 duck (1.6 – 2.0 kg)
• salt
• pepper
• 3 oranges, peeled, de-seeded and cut
into cubes
• 1 / 2 teaspoon salt
• 2 oranges for juicing
• 150 ml sherry
Clean the duck, season with salt and pep-
per and rub with orange peel.
Stuff the duck with cubes of orange seas-
oned with salt and sew it up.
Place the duck in the roasting tin, breast
Squeeze the juice from the oranges, mix
with the sherry and pour over the duck.
Put duck in the appliance; turn after 30
minutes. A signal sounds.
– Time in the appliance: 90 minutes
– Shelf position: 1
Stuffed Chicken
• 1 chicken, 1.2 kg (with giblets)
• 1 tablespoon oil
• 1 teaspoon salt
• 1 / 4 teaspoon paprika
• 50 g breadcrumbs
• 3 - 4 tablespoons milk
• 1 onion, chopped
• 1 bunch of parsley, chopped
• 20 g butter
• 1 egg
• salt and pepper
Clean chicken and dry. Mix oil, salt and
paprika and rub into the chicken.
Stuffing: Mix together breadcrumbs and
milk. Put chopped onion, parsley and but-
ter into a pan and sweat. Finely chop
heart, liver and stomach and add an egg.
Then mix everything together and season
with salt and pepper.