AEG KS8100001M User Manual
Page 20

Goatscheese Flan
Ingredients for the pastry:
• 125 g flour
• 60 ml olive oil
• 1 pinch salt
• 3 - 4 tablespoons cold water
Ingredients for the topping:
• 1 tablespoon olive oil
• 2 onions
• salt and pepper
• 1 teaspoon chopped thyme
• 125 g ricotta
• 100 g goat’s cheese
• 2 tablespoons olives
• 1 egg
• 60 ml cream
• Black baking tin, greased, diameter 28
Place flour, olive oil and salt in a mixing
bowl and combine until the mixture re-
sembles breadcrumbs. Add the water and
knead to a dough. Put the pastry in the
fridge for a few hours.
Then roll out the pastry and place in the
greased black baking tin. Prick the bot-
tom with a fork.
Put 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a pan. Peel
onions, slice thinly and sweat in the oil for
about 30 minutes with the lid on the pan.
Season with salt and pepper and mix in
1 / 2 teaspoon of chopped parsley.
Let onions cool slightly, then spread on
the pastry.
Then spread the ricotta and goat's chees
on top and add the olives. Sprinkle 1 / 2
teaspoon of chopped thyme over the top.
To make the filling, mix the eggs and the
cream together. Pour the filling over the
– Time in the appliance: 45 minutes
– Shelf position: 1
Cheese Flan
• 1.5 sheets original Swiss flaky pastry or
puff pastry (rolled out in a square)
• 500 g grated cheese
• 200 ml cream
• 100 ml milk
• 4 eggs
• salt, pepper and nutmeg
Place pastry on a well greased baking
tray. Prick dough well all over with a fork.
Spread the cheese evenly on the pastry.
Mix cream, milk and eggs and season with
salt, pepper and nutmeg. Mix well again
and pour over the cheese.
– Time in the appliance: 40 minutes
– Shelf position: 2
Cheese Pastry
• 400 g Feta cheese
• 2 eggs
• 3 tablespoons chopped flat leaf parsley
• black pepper
• 80 ml olive oil
• 375 g filo pastry
Mix together Feta, eggs, parsley and pep-
per. Cover filo pastry with a damp cloth,
so that it does not dry out. Lay 4 sheets
on top of one another, brushing each
lightly with oil.
Cut into 4 strips, each about 7 cm long.
Place 2 heaped tablespoons of Feta mix-
ture on one corner of each strip and and
fold this up diagonally into a triangle.
Place upside down on a baking tray and
brush with oil.
– Time in the appliance: 25 minutes
– Shelf position: 2
White Bread
• 1000 g flour
• 40 g fresh yeast or 20 g dried yeast
• 650 ml milk
• 15 g salt
• Baking tray which has been greased or
lined with baking parchment
Place flour and salt in a large bowl. Dis-
solve the yeast in tepid milk and add to
the flour. Knead all ingredients into a
workable dough. Depending on the quali-