Desserts – AEG KS8100001M User Manual
Page 17

• 2 eggs
• 100 g sugar
• 90 g softened butter
• Quiche tin with 28 cm diameter,
Sieve flour into a mixing bowl, mix salt
and butter cut into small pieces into the
flour. Then add egg, sugar and cold water
and knead into a pastry.
Cool the pastry for 2 hours in the fridge.
Roll out the refrigerated pastry and place
in the greased quiche tin and prick with a
fork. Clean fruit, remove cores, stones or
pips and place in small pieces or slices on
the pastry. Place ground almonds, eggs,
sugar and softened butter in a bowl and
cream together. Then put on top of the
fruit and smooth out.
– Time in the appliance: 50 minutes
– Shelf position: 1
Flan Caramel
Ingredients for the mixture:
• 100 g sugar
• 100 ml water
• 500 ml milk
• 1 vanilla pod
• 100 g sugar
• 2 eggs
• 4 egg yolks
• 6 small soufflé dishes
Place 100 g sugar in a saucepan and melt
to a light brown caramel. Then add the
water carefully (caution — there is the risk
of burns) and heat until it boils. Cook to a
syrup and immediately pour it into 6 small
soufflé dishes, so that the bottom is cov-
ered with caramel. Put the milk in a sauce-
pan, halve the vanilla pod and use a knife
to scrape out the seeds and add these to
the milk. Warm the milk to about 90 °C.
(Do not let it boil.) Mix eggs and egg
yolks with 100 g sugar. (Do not cream.)
Add the warm milk slowly to the egg-sug-
ar mixture. Then put into the dishes.
– Time in the appliance: 35 minutes
– Shelf position: 1
– Add 500 ml of water into the water
Coconut Pudding
• 250 ml milk
• 370 g coconut milk
• 6 eggs
• 120 g sugar
• 1 tin mangos, drained and pureed
• 6 mini pudding basins
Mix milk coconut milk. Lightly beat eggs
and sugar and add to the coconut milk.
Fill the mini pudding basins with the mix-
ture. After cooking, turn out and decorate
with the mangos.
– Time in the appliance: 35 minutes
– Shelf position: 1
– Add 500 ml of water into the water
Cappuccino Cake
For the mixture:
• 100 g softened butter
• 90 g sugar
• 2 egg yolks
• the seeds of one vanilla pod
• 2 tablespoons instant coffee (dissolved
in 50 ml hot water)
• 2 egg whites
• 50 g flour
• 50 g cornflour
• 1 / 2 teaspoon baking powder
For the sauce:
• 250 ml orange juice
• 50 g sugar
• 1 pinch of cinnamon
• 20 ml orange liqueur
To finish:
• 200 ml whipped cream to decorate
• 6 small dishes or cups greased with