Anritsu S251B User Manual
Anritsu Acoustics
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Title Page
- Table of Contents
- Chapter 1 - General Information 1-1
- Chapter 2 - Getting Started 2-1
- Chapter 3 - Functions and Operations 3-1
- Chapter 4 - Measurements 4-1
- In tro duc tion 4-1
- Mea sure ment Func tions 4-1
- Power On Pro ce dure 4-2
- Cal i bra tion Pro ce dure 4-2
- SWR (Re turn Loss) and Ca ble Loss Mea sure ment 4-9
- Ca ble Loss Mea sure ment 4-14
- DTF Mea sure ment 4-16
- Re quired Equip ment 4-16
- De vice-Un der-Test Spec i fi ca tion 4-16
- Pro ce dure 4-16
- Se lecting the Mea sure ment Mode 4-16
- Per forming a Cal i bra tion 4-17
- DTF Mea sure ment (De ter mining the Length of the Ca ble) 4-18
- Set ting the Am pli tude Scale 4-18
- Set ting the Marker 4-18
- DTF Mea sure ment (De ter mining the qual ity of the ca ble.) 4-20
- Set ting the Am pli tude Scale 4-20
- Set ting the Markers 4-20
- In ser tion Gain (Am pli fier) Mea sure ment 4-22
- Re quired Equip ment 4-22
- De vice-Un der-Test Spec i fi ca tion 4-22
- Pro ce dure 4-22
- Se lecting the Mea sure ment 4-22
- Se lecting the Fre quency Range 4-22
- Per forming a Cal i bra tion 4-22
- Am pli fier Gain Mea sure ment 4-24
- Set ting the Markers 4-24
- Ac ti vating the Bias Tee 4-25
- Set ting the Am pli tude Scale 4-25
- Making Power Mea sure ments 4-27
- Chapter 5 - Software Tools Program 5-1
- Description 5-1
- Requirements 5-1
- Communication Port Setting 5-1
- Software Installation 5-3
- Plot Capture 5-3
- Program Operation 5-6
- Fault Location Software 5-6
- Smith Chart Software 5-6
- Saving a Plot as a Windows Metafile or as a Spreadsheet File 5-7
- Pasting a Plot in Graphic or Spreadsheet Format 5-7
- Saving Data to a Database 5-7
- fiDrag-n-Dropfl 5-7
- Printing 5-8
- Appendix A - Reference Data A-1
- Table of Contents