Creating an update package, Modifying an update package – Lenovo System Update Solution (Deployment Guide) User Manual

Page 57

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– Manual installation details
– Uninstall details


Define the files that make up the update package:
– Installer file
– External file
– Readme file
– License file and other system specific files

Creating an update package

You can create an update package by choosing Manage repository, selecting
Update view

, and then clicking Create an update.

An update package is combination of an installer such as executable, a License file,
a readme file, any optional detection files, and the XML Descriptor file packaged
together. Packages are self-extracting and self-installing.

Complete the following steps to create an update package:

Build a single executable for source files with an installer, such as 7zip, WinZip,
WinRar, Package For The Web (PFTW) or MSI.


Optionally, create a readme file that describes the update packages including
the following:


Reports with version history


Minimum installation requirements


Steps to install and uninstall


Reports change from one version to the next


Issues that need to be communicated to the end user


If a readme file does not exist in the update package, the update cannot

be imported with Update Retriever.


Optionally, create a file that documents the license or EULA that the end user
must agree to before the package can be installed. System Update will present
the contents of this file to the end user to agree before the package can be
downloaded and installed.


Test the executable you created in Step 1.


Create the XML Descriptor file with Update Retriever. For more information,
see the help system for Update Retriever.


From the Define files panel, add the installer such as an executable, a License
file, a readme file, and any optional or required files. Update Retriever
automatically builds the package for you when you complete the XML


Verify the package created in Update Retriever repository.


Import the package to the network share repository using Update Retriever, see
“Importing an update package into network share repository” on page 48.


For more information on creating an update package, see the Update

Retriever help system.

Modifying an update package

You can modify an update package by choosing Manage repository, selecting
Update view

, and then clicking the pen icon which is on the right of every update

ID in the update view panel.

Chapter 5. Working with Update Retriever