MSI X58M User Manual

Page 55

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BIOS Setup



BIOS Setup


Prmary Graphc’s Adapter

Ths settng specfies whch graphc card s your prmary graphcs adapter.

PCI Latency Tmer

Ths tem controls how long each PCI devce can hold the bus before another takes

over. When set to hgher values, every PCI devce can conduct transactons for a longer

tme and thus mprove the effectve PCI bandwdth. For better PCI performance, you

should set the tem to hgher values.

CPU Feature

Press to enter the sub-menu and the followng screen appears:

Hyper-Threadng Functon

The processor uses Hyper-Threadng technology to ncrease transacton rates and

reduces end-user response tmes. The technology treats the two cores nsde the

processor as two logcal processors that can execute nstructons smultaneously. In

ths way, the system performance s hghly mproved. If you dsable the functon, the

processor wll use only one core to execute the nstructons. Please dsable ths tem

f your operatng system doesn’t support HT Functon, or unrelablty and nstablty

may occur.

Execute Bt Support

Intel’s Execute Dsable Bt functonalty can prevent certan classes of malcous

“buffer overflow” attacks when combned wth a supportng operatng system. Ths

functonalty allows the processor to classfy areas n memory by where applcaton

code can execute and where t cannot. When a malcous worm attempts to nsert

code n the buffer, the processor dsables code executon, preventng damage or

worm propagaton.

C1E Support

To enable ths tem to read the CPU power consumpton whle dle. Not all proces-

sors support Enhanced Halt state (C1E).

Overspeed Protecton

Ths tem s used to enable/ dsable Overspeed Protecton.

Chpset Feature

Press to enter the sub-menu and the followng screen appears: