Switch, Swtch -22, Hardware overclock base clock swtch: cpu_clk1 – MSI X58M User Manual
Page 38: Important

Hardware Setup
Hardware Setup
Ths manboard provdes the followng swtch for you to set the computer’s functon.
Ths secton wll explan how to change your manboard’s functon through the use of
Hardware Overclock Base clock Swtch: CPU_CLK1
You can overclock the Base clock to ncrease the processor frequency by changng ths
swtch. Follow the nstructons below to set the base clock.
133 MHz
166 MHz
200 MHz
Make sure that you power off the system before changng the swtch.
Ths overclockng behavor depends on the system’s configuraton (memory capabl-
ty, thermal soluton...etc), and t s not guaranteed.
You can also overclock by settng BIOS. BIOS overclockng may also cause crash
durng boot and then please reboot the system 3 tmes to restore default BIOS set-
tngs. For more detals, please refer to the BIOS chapter.
When overclockng cause nstablty or crash durng boot, the followng warnng mes-
sage wll dsplay durng POST (as pcture below). And then, please re-set the swtch
to default.
Warnng!!! OC swtch overclockng had faled,
Please shutdown and adjust oc swtch to lower frequency.
Try agan!