Howard Substation Transformers User Manual

Page 8

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Copyright © 2013 Howard Industries, Inc.

Howard Industries, Inc.

Laurel, MS 39440

Document No. 2.4.18

Revision: 2

Issued: October, 2013


Medium Power Substation Transformers



All gauges are dial-type and are

located for convenient viewing at

ground level (Figure 18).

Figure 18:


Fluid temperature and winding

temperature gauges have resettable

maximum temperature drag hands.


Various sophisticated electronic

monitoring systems are available as

options, including those that monitor

oil temperature, winding temperature,

pressure, moisture, gases, apparent

charge, arrester surge count, and

leakage current. Contact the factory

for these and other monitoring

systems that may be available.


The control cabinet provides a

weatherproof enclosure for accessory

items such as fan controls, OLTC

controls, and terminal blocks for

customer connections (Figure 19).

The cabinet is mounted on the side of

the transformer tank. Access to the

cabinet is protected by a hinged door

with three-point latch and padlock

provisions. The cabinet interior is

painted white to improve visibility and

is equipped with a work light and

accessory power outlet.


A cover-mounted automatic pressure-

relief device is provided to vent

excessive pressure that might build

up gradually during extreme over-

loads or fault conditions (Figure 20).

The standard device has a 6” throat

and a cracking pressure of 10 psi.

Devices with other pressure and flow

characteristics are available with

nonstandard operating characteris-

tics. Options include alarm contacts,

indicating flag, and discharge diverter.


A de-energized tap changer can be

provided to adjust the transformer

voltage ratio to meet system require-

ments. An external operating handle

is mounted on one end of the trans-

former near ground level (Figure 21).

The handle can be locked in any

switch position and has provisions for

a padlock.


A three-phase on-load tap changer

(OLTC) provides automatic voltage

regulation in an energized trans-

former while serving load (Figure 22).

OLTC’s typically operate over a range

of thirty-two 5/8% voltage steps,

sixteen above and sixteen below

rated secondary voltage. The total

tap range is typically 20% (10% above

and 10% below rated secondary

voltage). Standard OLTC’s provided

on Howard transformers use vacuum

interrupter technology manufactured

by Reinhausen or ABB.

The OLTC switch mechanism is sealed

in an oil-filled enclosure welded to

one end of the main transformer

tank. A motor drive and switch

position indicator are housed in a

weatherproof cabinet mounted below

the switch mechanism. A crank lever

is provided to operate the tap changer


OLTC control panels are housed

in the control cabinet (Figure 23).

A variety of microprocessor-based

controls are available, including those

manufactured by Beckwith, ICMI, and

Reinhausen. In addition to the

automatic regulation of secondary

voltage, control systems can also be

equipped to provide communication,

data storage, and power quality

analysis. All controls are provided with

manual override capability.

Figure 19:

Control cabinet

Figure 20:

Pressure relief device

Figure 21:

DETC handle

Figure 22:

On-load tap changer