Howard Substation Transformers User Manual

Page 4

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Copyright © 2013 Howard Industries, Inc.

Howard Industries, Inc.

Laurel, MS 39440

Document No. 2.4.18

Revision: 2

Issued: October, 2013


Medium Power Substation Transformers



Windings are cylindrical construction,

with concentric windings separated by

axial oil ducts (Figure 8).

Figure 8:

Coil winding

The type of winding used depends

on the voltage rating. Low-voltage

windings are helical type, medium-

voltage windings are continuous disc

type, and high-voltage windings are

shielded disc. Conductor material

is C11000 grade copper, tough

pitch cast, with ASTM edge radius,

and custom tempered per design

requirements. The conductor is

insulated with thermally upgraded

crepe paper tape, wrapped in multiple

layers. Rectangular conductor or

continuously-transposed cable

(CTC) is used according to design


Finished coils are oven dried and

accurately sized in a computer-

controlled hydraulic press (Figure 9).

Coil sizing establishes the coil’s

electrical length at a specified

pressure. Sizing pressure is

determined by design engineering,

and is sufficient to contain axial short-

circuit forces that would be generated

during throughfault conditions.


After the coil sizing process is

completed, core and coils are

assembled together in a heavy-duty

clamping structure that produces

a rugged, stable assembly, yet

minimizes mechanical stress in the

core (Figure 10).

High-density laminated pressure rings

transmit uniform clamping pressure

to each coil. The lead structure is

designed to provide generous

dielectric clearance and to resist

the lead forces generated by system

faults. Leads are secured using

either pressboard or kiln-dried maple



Core and coils are dried and oil

impregnated in a Micafil automated

vapor-phase system (Figure 11).

Proper dryness is critical to maintain

the integrity and life of the insulation

system. The Micafil process

automatically monitors and controls

moisture extraction in an oxygen-free

environment, producing an extremely

dry insulation system. During the final

phase of the Micafil process, the

drying chamber is flooded with

transformer oil to impregnate the

insulation system fully.


In addition to numerous quality

inspections throughout the manu-

facturing process, final tests are

conducted on the completed

transformer to ensure proper

function of all systems. All tests

are conducted in accordance with

applicable industry standards. Test

equipment is state-of-the-art and

capable of extremely accurate and

reliable test measurements, meeting

all the industry loss measurement

standards. (Figure 12). All test

systems are calibrated regularly

according to industry standards.

Figure 9:

Coil sizing press

Figure 10:

Core coil unit

Figure 12:

Electrical test station

Figure 11:

Micafil vapor phase system