Cirrus Logic CRD44800-ST-FB User Manual
Page 6

4) Connect the DB-9 RS-232 port (J14) on the CRD44800-ST-FB Driver board to a PC serial
5) Copy the CRD44800-ST-FB directory from the included CD-ROM to the users local hard
drive. Note that FlexGUI is only compatible with systems running Windows 98 or better (i.e.
Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP, etc.).
6) Modify the following line in the file “flexconfig.ini”, which is found in the FlexLoader application
directory. This line is found in the [CDB44800Comm] section of the ini file.
SERIAL = PI_Serial.dll, 2500, COM1, 38400
Replace “COM1” with the number of the serial communications (RS-232) port you are using
7) Start FlexGUI opening FlexLoader.exe. This application can be used to read and modify any
CS44800 register, and provides easy control over individual channel volumes.
The CS44800 Dialog tab provides high level control over the CS44800’s registers. Controls are
provided to change volume, mute, power down, ramp control, quantization level, SAI input for-
mat, minimum pulse width, and channel delay.
Coaxial S/PDIF
Selected Input
Mute LED
Fault LED