Young Wind Sensor Calibration Accessories User Manual

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In calm weather blow gently on propeller. Watch for obvious high torque

or irregular rotation.

Remove propeller or cupwheel. Drive shaft at known rpm, representing

mid range of sensor. Compare output signal to established calibration.

In calm weather blow gently on vane. Watch for obvious high torque or

irregular motion.

Visually align vane with known reference. Compare output signal. Align

vane with additional reference points or cardinal points marked on hous-

ing. Compare output signal to established calibration.

Wind Speed Threshold:

Wind Speed Signal:

Wind Direction Threshold:

Wind Direction Signal:



Anemometer Drive


Survey of visible landmarks, ac-

curate magnetic compass, or solar

noon orientation.


Perform tower check for each initial installation regardless of prior calibration interval.


Sensors are removed from tower and connected to signal conditioning modules with sensor cable patch cords.


Remove propeller. Set torque disc for proper torque according to table and

curves supplied. Install torque disc on propeller shaft and check rotation

of disc. See instructions on torque disc drawing.

Remove propeller. Drive shaft at 200 rpm. Check output for measurable

signal. Drive shaft at rpm representing mid range of sensor. Compare

output signal to established calibration.

Hold or mount sensor on desk top with fin horizontal to check vane bal-

ance. Adjust if required. After balancing vane assembly, mount sensor

on bench stand on level surface. Determine proper torque according to

table and curves supplied. Place torque gauge on vane housing and ap-

ply steady force to end of leaf spring. Record maximum torque value for

both CW and CCW rotation. See instructions on torque gauge drawing.

Mount sensor on Bench Stand. Rotate fixture through 360 degrees com-

paring output signal at 30 degree intervals.

Wind Speed Threshold:

Wind Speed Signal:

Wind Direction Threshold:

Wind Direction Signal:


Propeller Torque Disc

Anemometer Drive

Vane Torque Gauge

Vane Angle Bench Stand

Vane Angle Bench Stand