Operating instructions digital indicator di15 – WIKA DI15 User Manual
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Operating Instructions Digital Indicator DI15
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- Use button 2 or button3 (middle resp. right button) to select the desired signal edge.
Display Signal
The counter is triggered on the positive (ris-
ing) edge.
The counter is triggered on the negative (fal-
ling) edge.
- Press button 1 to validate your selection, the display shows “EdGE“ again.
- When pressing button 1 again, the display will show “diu“ (divisor = pre-scaling factor).
- Use button 2 and button 3 to select the desired pre-scaling factor.
The incoming pulses will be divided with the selected pre-scaling factor, after that they will be transmitted to the de-
vice for further processing.
By this factor you can adapt the device to your transmitter or select a pre-scaling factor for large values
Example 1: Your flow rate transmitter supplies 165 pulses per litre. When setting a pre-scaling factor of 165, every
165th pulse (so 1 pulse per litre) will be used for further processing.
Example 2: Your transmitter is supplying about 5 000 000 pulses during the measurement, which exceeds the limit
of the DI15. But when setting a pre-scaling factor of 1000 only every 1000th pulse is used for further processing. So
you only got a value 5000 which won’t exceed the limit of the DI15
- Press button 1 to validate your selection. The display shows “diu“ again.
- Press button 1 again. The display shows “Co.Hi“ (counter high
upper counting range limit).
- Use button 2 and button 3 to select the maximum pulse-count (after pre-scaling factor) for the counting
Example: Your flow rate transmitter is supplying 1800 pulses per litre, you selected a pre-scaling factor of 100 and
you are expecting a maximum flow rate of 300 litres during the measurement. With a pre-scaling factor of 100 se-
lected, you will get 18 pulses per litre. With a maximum flow rate of 300 litres you will be getting a pulse count of 18
* 300 = 5400.
- Press button 1 to validate your selection. The display shows “Co.Hi“ again.
- When pressing button 1 again, the device will be displaying “dP“ (decimal point).
- Use button 2 and button 3 to select the desired decimal point position.
- Press button 1 to validate your selected decimal point position. The display shows “dP“ again.
- Press button 1 again. The display shows “di.Hi“ (display high
upper display range limit).
- Use button 2 and button 3 to set the value to be displayed when the maximum pulse (setting of co.Hi)
count is reached.
Example: Your flow rate transmitter is supplying 1800 pulses per litre and you are expecting a maximum flow rate of
300 litres. You selected a pre-scaling factor of 100 and a counter range limit of 5400. When wanting a resolution of
0.1 litres shown in the display of the device you would have to set the decimal point position to ---.- and a display
range limit of 300.0.
- Press button 1 to validate your selection. The display shows “di.Hi“ again.
- Press button 1. The display will show “Li“ (Limit
= measuring range limit
- Use button 2 and button 3 to select the desired measuring range limit (counter range limit).
Measuring range limit
Exceeding of the counter range is tolerable
until you reach the maximum measuring
range limit.
(error indicator)
The measuring range is exactly bounded by
the selected counter-range-limit. When ex-
ceeding or shortfalling of the limit the device
will display an error message.
(measuring range limit)
The measuring range is exactly bounded by
the selected counter-range-limit. When ex-
ceeding or shortfalling of the limit the device
will display the upper counter-range-limit or 0
The lower counter-range-limit (for configured downwards counter) is fixed to 0.