Kramer Electronics RC-80 User Manual
Page 22

Operating the Remote Control Machine
7.2 Switching OUT-IN Combinations
To operate the machine, enter the inputs and outputs to be connected:
For matrices, use both the IN and the OUT keys
For switchers (only one output) use only the IN keys
You can switch an input to an output in the At Once mode
or the Confirm
To switch a video/audio input to a video/audio output in the At Once mode
do the following:
1. Press an OUT button.
The selected OUT button and the IN button, which is currently switched to
that output, are illuminated.
2. Press an IN button to select the input to switch to the output.
The new IN button illuminates and the display shows the new input number,
which is switched to the output.
To disconnect an input that is switched to an output, press the illuminated
input button (or press any input button twice).
The input button no longer illuminates and the input is disconnected from the
To switch a video/audio input to a video/audio output in the Confirm mode
do the following:
1. Press an OUT button.
The selected OUT button and the IN button, which is currently switched to
that output, are illuminated.
2. Press an IN button to select the input to switch to the output.
The previously selected input button is no longer illuminated, the TAKE
button blinks and the display shows the newly selected input number
3. Press the TAKE button to confirm the action.
The selected IN button illuminates, the take button illuminates and the display
shows the new input that is switched to the output.
1 See section 7.3
2 See section 7.3.1 to select At Once mode/ Confirm mode
3 To abort the action, press any OUT button