Kramer Electronics VM-1042 User Manual

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The fastest way to get started is to take your time and do everything right the first time.

Taking 15 minutes to read the manual may save you a few hours later. You don’t even

have to read the whole manual. At the beginning of each section, you’ll find an overview

of the section. So if the section doesn’t apply to you, you don’t have to spend your time

reading it.


The items contained in your Kramer VM Amplifier packaging are listed below. Please save

the original box and packaging materials for possible future transportation and shipment of

the Amplifier.

Amplifier (rack-mountable)

AC power cable

User Manual

4 rubber feet

For additional information regarding optional cables and optional accessories contact your

Kramer dealer.

Optional Accessories

The following Kramer accessories can enhance implementation of your amplifier.

SP-11 - (Video/Audio Processor) can be serially connected between the video/audio source

and the VM amplifier for video and audio control/correction. The machine provides camera

control and luminance/white balance correction. The SP-11

is also capable of performing

Composite to Y/C conversion and bi-directional transcoding. The machine allows full control

over the video signal: Video gain down to full fade, log or linear Definition control, log or

linear Contrast control, Color saturation control, Black Level control, Red, Green and Blue

controls and a Screen Splitter control for “before-after” comparison. The Input switch control

is "Audio-follow-Video".

SP-3001 - (Component Video Processor) can be serially connected to the VM amplifier in

order to achieve full control of component video. The SP -3001 has 3 looping Component

Video inputs and 9 outputs- three for each component; thus it serves as a Component DA as

well. The SP -3001 allows full control of Gain, Contrast, Definition and black level of the Y

channel and individual Gain and Black level controls of the R-Y and B-Y channels. A Screen

Splitter control for "before-after" comparison is also built in.

611T/611R - (611T full bandwidth Fiber Optic Transmitter and 611R matching Fiber Optic

Receiver) Part of the KRAMER TOOLS series, and designed for studio and other demanding

applications. These machines, in combination, may be used to send one of the distributed

channels to distances of 5-25Km. The 611T

and 611R use state-of-the-art fiber optic circuitry

and allow the user (via rear panel trimmers) to adjust input and output video levels and high

frequency peaking to achieve best performance. Both machines, like all KRAMER TOOLS,

are fed from a 12V DC source, making them perfectly suitable for fieldwork as well.