C are and maintenanc e of y our new t op – Rugged Ridge XHD Soft Top, Black, Tinted Window, 97-06 Jeep Wrangler (TJ) User Manual

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C are and Maintenanc e of Y our New T op.

Y our top is made of the fines t materials available. T o keep it looking new and for the maximum
pos s ible ware, it will need periodic cleaning and maintenance.

Was hing:
T he fabric s hould be was hed often us ing s oap, warm water and a s oft bris tle brus h. R ins e with
clear water to remove all traces of s oap.

Zippers :
K eeping the zipper cleaned and lubricated with a
s ilicone lubricant will help prevent damage and
keep the zippers in a s mooth working condition.
If a zipper opens behind the s lider, the s lider may
have been s pread apart. T his problem can us ually
be repaired by us ing an ordinary pair of pliers to
bring the s ides back into parallel. R eturn s lider to
end of the zipper in the normal open pos ition.
S queeze lightly at firs t and tes t the zipper. If
the zipper continues to remain open, s queeze
more firmly with the pliers and try the zipper again.
repeat this procedure until the zipper operates

In the event of s eeping through the s eams , 3M S cotchgard® may be applied on the ins ide of
the s eams to s top the s eepage. R ips in the fabric may be repaired with B ondex® iron on
patches . Iron the patches to the ins ide of the top, carefully following the B ondex® ins tructions .

S naps :
K eep s naps cleaned and lubricated with s ilicone to help prevent s naps from s ticking to the s tuds .
If a s nap does become s tuck to a s tud, us e a s mall flat head s crew driver and G E NT LY pry
apart to prevent permanent damage to the s nap or the top fabric.

Windows :
K eep windows clean to avoid s cratching. DO NOT us e a brus h on the windows ! W as h with
a water s oaked cloth or s ponge and a mild dis h was hing detergent. NE VE R W IP E T HE
W INDOW S W HE N T HE Y AR E DR Y ! B e careful when cleaning s now or fros t from the vinyl
W INDOW S W HE N T HE Y AR E DR Y ! B e careful when cleaning s now or fros t from the vinyl
windows s ince they are eas ily s cratched and may crack at low temperatures . DO NOT roll
the s ides or rear window in cold weather. T he windows become s tiff and will crack.

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