Rugged Ridge XHD Soft Top, Black, Tinted Window, 97-06 Jeep Wrangler (TJ) User Manual

Page 5

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S tep (8) : Locate the left and right quarter window

panels and orient them with the zipper
s lider about 10" - 12" along the top.

S tep (9) : R oll the plas tic along the front of the panel

into the channel of the door s urround on
the vehicle.

S tep (10): Locate the plas tic s trip s ewn to each s ide

of the top, above each door. S lip the s trips
into the channel in the door s urround above
the door opening.

S tep (11): C los e the zipper on the quarter panels the

res t of the way to the lower rear corner of
the panel.

S tart at the rear and roll the plas tic along
the bottom of the panel into the retainer on
the vehicle. T hen fas ten the hook and loop
s trips along the rear of the panel to the top.

S tep (12): R emove the rear window from the box and

lay it flat with the backing s ide up. Locate
the tailgate bar s et as ide in s tep one. T he
bar has a "C " s haped channel, when viewed
from the end. Orient the bar with the round
s eal down and s lide the "C " channel on the
retainer onto the tubed s trip s ewn to the
backing s ide of the rear window.

S tep (13): Ins ert the tailgate bar into the mounts on

each s ide of the tailgate opening with the
vinyl s ide of the rear window towards the
outs ide of the vehicle.

P g.5