Ins talling the new t op – Rugged Ridge XHD Soft Top, Black, Tinted Window, 97-06 Jeep Wrangler (TJ) User Manual
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Due to recent header as s embly modifications by
Daimler C hrys ler, the plas tic s trips on the winds hield
header may have 8 s crew locations ins tead of 14.
B oth attachment number of s crews will s ecurely
fas ten the header and perform as intended.
S tep (6) : C ollaps e the bow as s embly down onto the
tailgate. W ith the bow as s embly laying on
the tailgate, remove the s crews that fas ten
to the corners of the header. S et s crews
as ide for us e later. T hey are reus ed for the
ins tallation of the new top.
S tep (7) : F lip the top fabric back over into the rear of
the vehicle (s o that the fabric lays backing
s ide up) to expos e the plas tic s trip along
the edge of the fabric. R emove the eight or
fourteen s crews the s ecure the fabric to
the header, s etting the s crews as ide for
us e in the ins talling the new top. T hen
remove the old top fabric from the vehicle.
Ins talling the New T op.
S tep (1) :
If you have a 1997 vehic le with a s lip-on
plas tic extrus ion on the door s urround, it
mus t be removed. P ull down on the
extrus ion to work it loos e.
S tep (2) : In order to ins tall the top fabric, make s ure
that the center and rear bows are in the
folded down pos ition on the rear of the
Lay the top fabric, backing s ide up in the
rear of the vehicle with the plas tic s trip
facing up and aligned with the front edge
of the header. Locate the round hole that
marks the center of the plas tic s trip (all
other holes are s lotted). Ins tall a s crew in
the round hole to s ecure the fabric to the
header as well as to center the top. T hen
proceed to ins tall s crews in the remaining
s even or thirteen holes along the front of
the header.
P g.3