Vaddio Canon BU-Series CCU Image Controller User Manual

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Quick-Connect CCU Controller for Canon BU Series Cameras

Quick-Connect CCU for Canon BU Series Cameras - Installation and User Guide 342-0152 Rev. A

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Front Panel Controls (continued)

5. Gamma or Horizontal Detail:

Gamma adjusts the mid-range brightness of an image. Horizontal Detail sharpens or softens objects
captured. Both gamma and horizontal detail are available in manual mode only.

6. Black Gain or Color Matrix:

Black Gain adjusts the black levels of objects. Color matrix adjusts the overall color expression during
shooting. Both adjustments are available in manual mode only

7. Knee Point or Hue:

Knee point allows bright objects that are easily overexposed, such as background objects visible through
windows when shooting inside, to be reproduced more accurately. Hue allows the tint adjustment of the
entire image on the screen. Both knee point and hue are adjustable in manual mode only.

8. Shift Switch:

Allows the activation of either the top line controls or the bottom line controls. When the Shift is not lit, then
the knobs control the top line of controls and when Shift is lit then the bottom line of controls are active.

9. AWB:

Auto White Balance Mode controls/adjusts the color levels automatically when engaged. Turn off AWB to
manually adjust the Red and Blue levels.

10. Master Gain or Image Stabilization:

Master Gain increases the overall signal level in situations when the iris is open all the way but there is not
enough available light. Image stabilization is used to reduce blur in the video image resulting from the
camera being mounted high on a pole or other locations susceptible to vibrations or movement.

11. Red Gain or ND Filter:

Red gain adjusts the red shading of the overall image and is available in manual mode only. ND (neutral
density) filter is used outdoors, typically under clear skies, to allow the user to open the iris up to a higher F-
stop and is available for use in either auto or manual modes.

12. Blue Gain or Shutter:

Blue gain adjusts the blue shading of the overall image and is available in the manual mode only. Shutter
allows the user to regulate the exposure and maintain desired motion portrayal. Keep the shutter at 1/60 or
1/100 to prevent strobe or flicker when shooting under fluorescent, mercury vapor or halogen lamps. Shutter
is only available in manual mode.

13. Auto Mode:

Auto mode allows the user to adjust only the ND Filter and Image Stabilization on the CCU. All other
functions are automatically adjusted in this mode. In addition, the Digital Extender is available when using the
Vaddio Precision Camera Controller by pressing the button on top of the joystick.

14. Iris Control:

Iris control allows the user to manually set the amount of light hitting the image sensors when the camera is in
manual mode.

15. Master Pedestal:

Increases or decreases the overall image lightness or darkness when the camera is in the manual mode.