Rebuildpriority, Resolvelunconflicts, Sledfaultled – ATTO Technology Diamond Storage Array VT-Class User Manual
Page 55: Tapedriveinfo, Tapevolumeblocksize, Tapevolumeinfo, Tapewriteprotect, Virtualdriveinfo, Zoneadddevice, Zoneaddhost

CLI: configure drives
Sets the priority of a RAID Level 5 or 10 rebuild. If you
select High priority, rebuild I/O requests are implemented
before system I/O requests. I f you select Low priority,
rebuild I/O requests executes only when there are no
pending I/O requests. If you select Same priority, rebuild
I/O and system I/O receive equal consideration.
Set syntax: set RebuildPriority [high | low | same]
Requires a SaveConfiguration Restart command
Get syntax: get RebuildPriority
Re-numbers any conflicting Logical Unit numbers that
exist in the Diamond. Conflicts may occur when a unit is
taken from one Array and inserted into another Array.
Immediate command: ResolveLUNConflicts
Restores all mode pages to the factory set default.
Restarting the Diamond Storage Array is required for
settings to take effect.
Set syntax: RestoreModePages
Changes the state of the selected sled LED to the
indicated state. Enter the sled number,
Default: off
Set syntax: set SledFaultLED [all|sled number] [on| off]
Displays information about the named Tape Drive
including LUN, Tape Volume ID and state of the tape
Immediate information: TapeDriveInfo [tape drive #]
Determines the volume’s block size in increments of 512-
byte blocks. Setting the number of blocks to 0 will allow
devices to have different upper and lower block size
limits (variable block size) while setting the number of
blocks to a non-zero value will limit both the upper and
lower block size limits to that number (fixed block size).
Choices are 0-127.
Default: 0
Set syntax: set TapeVolumeBlockSize [ 0 - 127 ]
Requires a SaveConfiguration command
Get syntax: get TapeVolumeBlockSize
Displays information about the named Tape Volume
including Volume ID, LUN, Virtual Disk ID, Partition ID,
Total capacity and percentage of capacity used.
Get syntax: TapeVolumeInfo [tape volume #]
Specifies or displays the Hardware Write Protection state
of the named Tape Volume.
Default: disabled
Set syntax: TapeWriteProtect [tape volume ID | all]
[enabled | disabled]
Get syntax: TapeWriteProtect [tape volume ID | all]
Displays the named Virtual Drive definitions. For
examples, see Information Command Returns on page A-
Immediate command: VirtualDriveInfo [active|planned]
[Virtual Drive ID]
Adds one or more LUNs (devices) to an existing zone.
LUNs not added to zones are not available.To complete
this procedure, the ZoneState command must be entered
as enabled to activate the zone before using the
ZoneCommit command (which makes the Planned Zone
Configuration the Active configuration).
Zone syntax: ZoneAddDevice [zone_name]
Adds one or more hosts to an existing zone. The host is
the WWPN of the HBA attached to the system. To
complete this procedure, the ZoneState command must be
entered as enabled to activate the zone before using the
ZoneCommit command (which makes the Planned Zone
Configuration the Active configuration).
Adds one or more ports [port_name] to an existing zone.
The port refers to the specific Host Interface Card on the
Diamond Storage Array, either 0 or 1.To complete this
procedure, the ZoneState command must be entered as
enabled to activate the zone before using the
ZoneCommit command (which makes the Planned Zone
Configuration the Active configuration).
Set syntax: ZoneAddPort [zone_name] [0|1]