5 serial port configuration commands, Serialportbaudrate, Serialportecho – ATTO Technology Diamond Storage Array VT-Class User Manual

Page 48: Serialporthandshake, Serialportstopbits

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ATTO Technology Inc.

6.5 Serial Port Configuration Commands

The serial port configuration may be customized by using the following commands:

Sets the baud rate the Diamond Storage Array uses for its
terminal interface. Choices are 2400, 9600, 19200,
38400, 57600, 115200.

Default: 115200
Set syntax: set SerialPortBaudRate [2400 | 9600 | 19200

| 38400 | 57600 | 115200]

Get syntax: get SerialPortBaudRate

Controls whether the Diamond Storage Array echoes
characters on its RS-232 port. Local ASCII terminal (or
terminal emulator) echo settings should be set to disabled
while in serialportecho enabled

Default: disabled
Set syntax: set SerialPortEcho [enabled | disabled]
Requires a SaveConfiguration Restart command
Get syntax: get SerialPortEcho

Describes which handshaking method the Diamond
Storage Array uses for its terminal interface (hardware,
Xon/Xoff or none). Choices are

hardware, Xon



Default: none
Set syntax: set SerialPortHandshake [hard| Xon| none]
Requires a SaveConfiguration Restart command
Get syntax: get SerialPortHandshake

Configures/reports the number of stop bits per character
for the Diamond Storage Array RS -232 serial port. The
number of data bits per character is fixed at 8 with no
parity. Choices are 1 or 2 stop bits

Default: 1
Set syntax: set SerialPortStopBits [1 | 2]
Requires a SaveConfiguration Restart command
Get syntax: get SerialPortStopBits