Level, Gain – Ashly DPX-200 User Manual
Page 4

Operating Manual - DPX-200 Parametric Equalizer - Compressor/Limiter
5.1 Equalizer Input Select Switch
The DPX-200 equalizer input is selectable be-
tween line level or mic input, each with its own connec-
tor. The line level input is used for normal signal
processing, while the discrete mic input provides more
gain for those applications where the DPX-200 is used as
a comprehensive mic preamp. Press the input select switch
in for line input, and out for mic input
5.2 Gain
A single knob, dual function gain control is used
for both mic and line inputs. When the mic input is se-
lected, the gain range is from +20dB to +55dB. A -20dB
pad switch on the back panel allows for nominal 0dB mic
input level. When line level input is selected, the gain
control range is -
to +15dB. Unity gain for line level
signal is 0.
5.3 Phantom Power
+48V phantom power is provided to the mic in-
put XLR for use with condenser microphones. The phan-
tom power switch is on the back panel, and a red LED
near the power switch indicates that phantom power is
turned on.
5.4 Shelving Filters
The nature of a shelving filter is such that the fre-
quency response ramps up (or down) to a plateau and then
levels off again, hence the term “shelf”. The DPX-200 has
a low and high shelving filter for general tone control or
correction. Using the outer concentric knob, the calibrated
frequency tick-marks indicate the halfway point between
unaffected signal and the frequency where the shelf flat-
tens out. The inner concentric knob is the level control for
that filter, and indicates the decibel level of the flat portion
of the shelf relative to the unaffected signal. The frequency
range on the low shelf is 40Hz-400Hz, while the hi shelf
range is 1.6KHz-16KHz. Both filters have a ±15dB boost
or cut, and can be switched in or out. A green LED turns
on when the filter is engaged.
The DPX-200 mounts in a standard 19 inch equip-
ment rack. The mounting screw threads vary with differ-
ent rack manufactures and you should refer to your rack
instructions for proper hardware. An oval head or flat head
screw with a plastic countersink washer is preferred to
protect the finish of the DPX-200 under the screw.
This unit is housed in a rugged steel case and
will tolerate moderate abuse. However, for road systems
which may be dropped or otherwise subjected to extreme
forces, we recommend some rear support for the chassis
to prevent bending the front panel when these forces oc-
For installations where it is desirable to protect
the front panel controls from tampering or accidental
misadjustment, use the Ashly security cover. Installation
is simple and does not require removal of the equipment
from your rack. See your Ashly dealer for details.
Ashly Security Cover Installation
M od el D P X -200
P aram etric E q ualizer
Com press or /Lim iter
+1 5
+1 5
1 1 K
2 K
4 K
8 K
.0 5
2 0K
2 00
H z
3 .3
O cta ves
1 1 K
2 K
4 K
8 K
.0 5
2 0K
2 00
H z
3 .3
H z +1 5
4 0
4 00
Le vel
Fr eq .
1 00
2 00
3 15
H z +1 5
1 .6K 1 6K
4 K
8 K
1 .6K Hz - 16 KH z
4 0Hz - 4 00 Hz
S he lving
N o rm
1 0
B and w idth
Fr eq .
2 0Hz - 2 0K H z
R an g e
E Q 2
E Q 1
O cta ves
N o rm
1 0
B and w idth
Fr eq .
R an g e
E Q 3
Le vel
Fr eq .
S he lving
E Q 4
2 0Hz - 2 0K H z
C lip
M a s te r
+5 5
+2 0
+4 0
+3 0
+1 5
In pu t S elect
M ic
Lin e