Wireless technology for the future, Akg preface, 50 y – AKG Acoustics WMS 40 User Manual
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As more and more affordable wireless
equipment became available, the
demand for high quality single and multi-
channel wireless systems for sound com-
panies, conference centers, public buil-
dings, and live sound grew sharply, too.
AKG responded to this trend early on,
developing a specific line of products
and accessories that provides a profes-
sional solution for every application.
This brochure explains the way wireless
systems work to provide a better under-
standing of how to make optimum use of
RF technology in day-to-day work. It con-
tains many helpful tips and tricks for
both professionals and first-time users.
Wireless equipment from AKG will provi-
de a professional solution for any appli-
cation. This brochure makes it easier to
get the best possible results.
50 Y
“When it comes to studio, broadcast, or live sound equip-
ment, choose AKG. The engineering competence and
worldwide reputation of the AKG brand give you the con-
fidence of using equipment meeting the highest stan-
dards of quality and reliability.”
Dr. Hugo Lenhard-Backhaus, CEO, AKG Vienna
For more than five decades, AKG has been
a leading manufacturer of studio micro-
phones, broadcast and live sound equip-
ment, as well as headphones to the hig-
hest standards of quality and reliability.
The resulting experience and engineering
know-how are the foundation of the uni-
que sound of AKG products as well as the
reputation and popularity of the legendary
AKG brand. Today, AKG products are avai-
lable throughout the world and have beco-
me a standard in many radio and TV stu-
Did you know that according to the 1990
Billboard Survey every US recording stu-
dio uses at least one AKG product?
Should you find no product for your specific application in this brochure, please post to the
AKG Forum at www.akg.com.
We also appreciate any suggestions for improvements, new products, or other ideas you may
post to our Microphone Forum.
AKG Facts & Figures:
• Established in Austria in 1947
• Founders: Rudolf Görike
and Ernst Pless
• AKG grew from a two-man company
into a multinational company
• AKG has applied for more than
1,400 patents worldwide
• AKG is a leading audio manufacturer
with one of the most advanced
acoustics labs in Europe