Sony NW-HD3 User Manual
Page 85

What is a “ play unit” ?
All the items (an artist, an album, a track, etc.) on the list when you start playback is called a “play
When you change the Play Mode, the play unit changes to all the tracks recorded in the player.
On playback of a play unit
Example: When you select Artist MODE
All the tracks of all the artists
make a play unit.
All the tracks in all the albums
of the artist “Y & J” make a
play unit.
All the tracks in the album
“Morning” of the artist “Y & J”
make a play unit.
When selecting “Play Unit” (Play unit play)
• Playback starts from the
tracks of “Y & J” and stops
after playing all the tracks of
“The Evenings.”
• Playback starts from the
album “Morning” and stops
after playing all the tracks
of the album “Lunch Time
• Playback starts from the fi rst
track of the album “Morning”
and stops after playing all the
When selecting “Unit SHUF” (Play unit shuffl e play)
• Playback is in random order
for every artist. Albums or
tracks of the artist are played
in order.
• Playback is in random order
for every album. Tracks of the
album are played in order.
• The tracks in the album
“Morning” are played in
random order.
When selecting “Track SHUF” (Shuffl e play)
• All the recorded tracks are
played in random order.
• The tracks in all the albums
of “Y & J” are played in
random order.
• The tracks in the album
“Morning” are played in
random order.
On Shuffl e play
For example, to play all the tracks recorded in the player randamly, display a MODE other than
“Others” (“Artist” MODE, etc.), and then start playback selecting “Track SHUF” as the Play Mode
page 25). All the tracks recorded in the player are played once in random order.
In the artist list, all the
tracks recorded are played
in random order.