Sony NW-HD3 User Manual

Page 85

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What is a “ play unit” ?

All the items (an artist, an album, a track, etc.) on the list when you start playback is called a “play
When you change the Play Mode, the play unit changes to all the tracks recorded in the player.

On playback of a play unit

Example: When you select Artist MODE




All the tracks of all the artists
make a play unit.

All the tracks in all the albums
of the artist “Y & J” make a
play unit.

All the tracks in the album
“Morning” of the artist “Y & J”
make a play unit.

When selecting “Play Unit” (Play unit play)

• Playback starts from the

tracks of “Y & J” and stops
after playing all the tracks of
“The Evenings.”

• Playback starts from the

album “Morning” and stops
after playing all the tracks
of the album “Lunch Time

• Playback starts from the fi rst

track of the album “Morning”
and stops after playing all the

When selecting “Unit SHUF” (Play unit shuffl e play)

• Playback is in random order

for every artist. Albums or
tracks of the artist are played
in order.

• Playback is in random order

for every album. Tracks of the
album are played in order.

• The tracks in the album

“Morning” are played in
random order.

When selecting “Track SHUF” (Shuffl e play)

• All the recorded tracks are

played in random order.

• The tracks in all the albums

of “Y & J” are played in
random order.

• The tracks in the album

“Morning” are played in
random order.

On Shuffl e play

For example, to play all the tracks recorded in the player randamly, display a MODE other than
“Others” (“Artist” MODE, etc.), and then start playback selecting “Track SHUF” as the Play Mode

 page 25). All the tracks recorded in the player are played once in random order.

In the artist list, all the
tracks recorded are played
in random order.



