High ISO NR (still image)
When shooting with high ISO sensitivity, the product reduces noise that becomes more noticeable when theproduct sensitivity is high.
Write Date (still image)
Sets whether to record a shooting date on the still image.
Color Space (still image)
The way colors are represented using combinations of numbers or the range of color reproduction is called“color space.” You can change the color space depending on the purpose of the image.
Grid Line
Sets whether the grid line is displayed or not. The grid line will help you to adjust the composition of images.
Auto Review
You can check the recorded image on the screen right after the shooting.
Live View Display
Sets whether or not to show images altered with effects of the exposure compensation, white balance,[Creative Style], or [Picture Effect] on the screen.
Switches the display between Electronic Viewfinder and the screen.
Dial / Wheel Lock
You can set whether the dial and wheel will be locked by pressing and holding the Fn (Function) button.
Deactivate Monitor
When you press the key to which the [Deactivate Monitor] function is assigned, the monitor display is turnedoff.
ND Filter
If you use an ND filter, the amount of light entering the camera is reduced. You can slow down the shutterspeed and decrease the aperture value for a better exposure.
Notes on use
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